Inter School MAARS Spell Bee Competition
In the year 2017-18, we pioneered ‘a whole new concept’ in learning by introducing Kangaroo Kids Curriculum in our Pre-Primary Section 'Rise and Shine' with a strength of 141 students, in which we spark human greatness in every single child by discovering and then nurturing each child’s unique gift.
The care and experiences received during the early years of their life have a powerful impact on their ability to become lifelong learners. Everything you do or say can help to ‘wire’ your child’s brain - for thinking, feeling, moving and learning.
At APS, children are provided with consistent nurturing experiences and encouragement to explore the environment to ignite their unique potential.
We provide detailed lesson plans for 200 days - instruction + ongoing observation. Annual events conducted such as - Sports day, Concert, Grandparent’s Tea Party are considered as non-instructional days. The school follows 10 months theme related plans. Each plan (monthly plan) is inclusive of interactive activities, special days and skill observations.