Message from the Chairperson

"Wellness is not a Singular Destination. It’s an Individual Journey."

I firmly believe that the foremost role of education is to prepare each child to realize their full potential. The school years are a whirlwind – not just in terms of academics but emotional intelligence, as well as social and life skills. Each year becomes more intense and brings new challenges. Be it the galloping exam pressure, rapidly changing bodies and emotions, or the increasing complexities of peer relations.

For our children to navigate this maze of growing up years and emerge as confident, well-rounded adults, they need a safe environment. As educationists, we have the privilege to lay the foundation for this journey which is inwards but can be supported externally with care, mindfulness, and tools.

With the theme of wellness for this academic year, I am optimistic that we will collectively focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being inside and outside the classroom. Let’s support our students to understand their feelings, foster empathy for the feelings of others, develop resilience to face problems and conflict resolution skills, and most importantly, let’s promote help-seeking behaviour, in which the school as well as the parents can play a pivotal role.


Dr. (Mrs.) Priti G. Adani


Adani Foundation

Dr. (Mrs.) Priti G Adani Chairperson Adani Foundation